
Nerves are funny things, they can bring the most concrete of people to their knees…and sometimes literally. Do you get nervous for your kids at their sports competitions? I think most parents do…it’s normal hey! And I am no exception to that rule….except I have always been a “nervy” person..battled alot with extreme anxiety of the years, But going to our local rollerdrome became my sanctuary and slowly the anxiety settled …don’t get me wrong, I still have my days, the Rollerdrome was not a cure, but it was soothing to my nerves, skating with my little skater helped. It made this Roller Mum happy, I no longer feel I will become my own puddle of pee on the floor.

When My Little Skater was invited to join the Artistic Skating Club my anxiety was unchanged, the occassional bad day, but oh so much better these days, and I had coped with my self through her competitions with seemingly “normal” nerves…..that is until My Little Skater was to be in her first Nationals Competition.

Crap….how would I be for this? No, don’t think like that…this is about your daughter, not you. Ok …I got a handle. It will be fine, stop thinking the worst. The little puddle of pee subsided for a bit.

We got to the stadium and I saw people, lots of people, these weren’t my usual people. (heart palps are starting now and she isn’t even in her event yet) …just fake it, they always say fake it, isn’t there a meme about that with a fake tanned girl on it? Oh I wish I was that girl now. Crap Im still here… can do this. You gotta do this…you are here for her! Deep breaths….and I enter the stadium.

I find a seat, I am settled, My  Little Skater goes with the team to start the opening ceremony. They all come out boasting their State tracksuits, marching for their state. I’ve got this! Phew..I’m good now…I settle to enjoy the show….The ceremony finished. Lexxi is up next…

There were four skaters routines to sit through before she was to perform her freeskate. I am already nervous, my hands are shaking and my mouth is so dry my lips are sticking to my teeth…I hear her name being announced and I can actually feel my heart beating hard in my throat, and it seems that loud that I can bearly hear the stadium. Oh crap, the puddle of pee is threatening to come back, shit…how hard can a heart beat??? I think I’m gonna have a heart wait, I’m gonna pass out…everything was in slow motion. Then….a booming voice…it’s a miracle, I can hear again. I hear Lexxi’s name….I realise it’s the announcer. He announces her to the floor and she is beaming a huge smile. I am instantly no longer a puddle of pee anymore, I am on to it…I become Roller Mum again, and my steady finger presses record.

And the moral of this blog? Simple…. we become superhero’s for our kids when they are ready to shine, but really they are our superhero’s.

Later Skaters.




For The Love of Skating!

Well, here we go…the FIRST BLOG!…well the first blog with actual bloginess lol. I didn’t realise when I started My Little Skater how much time it would involve in keeping it moving all the time…what was I thinking?, I barely have time to scratch my but as it is, inbetween two jobs, school drops, school pickups and skating training…not to mention trying to get some housework done in amongst the craziness…note to self to invest in a robot vaccuum cleaner! And don’t even ask me what I do when I have to fit in a parent teacher interview!!

Don’t get me wrong, I am by no means complaining…I LOVE that my child skates! I love skating just as much as she does. It’s an amazing sport, it’s meshed into our lives, it’s what feels like home, and I love that Lexxi has found her “niche”….I’m still looking for mine lol!

We just kind of fell into skating after going to a birthday party at the local rollerdrome, we were hooked quicker than sugar and started breathing skating every saturday until the owner invited Lexxi to try one of the Artisitc classes…and here we are 4 years later and she is silver medal holder from the Australian National Championships for Tiny Tots!

What a trip it’s been!! And what money we have spent..(insert blood curdling scream here). Yes, I could’ve supported a small country by now! Seriously it a sneaky sport, it starts out with a class and cheapish skates and before you know you’re paying out hundreds for a decent pair of artistic skates, paying coaches and there it is…..time for a second job, and occassionally asking yourself why can’t your kid be good at something a little leaner on the back pocket…….Then she has a competition and you see her skate, she is amazeballs and makes your mascara run, and the smile….oh the smile…yep skating is more addictive than any drug on todays market…(and I think the same price lol).

So the moral of the blog today kids is???….DON’T DO DRUGS! GO SKATING!

Later Skaters!